New Scientist|Science News-Articles


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Views expressed in this science and technology news summary are those of the reporters and correspondents.

Content supplied by “New Scientist Magazine.”

Accessed on 14 February 2020, 1615 UTC.


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When a smile is not a smile – what our facial expressions really mean

The smuggled Mongolian dinosaur fossil that seemed too good to be true

Your decision-making ability is a superpower physics can’t explain


Starlink trails

Astronomy group finds Starlink satellites will have ‘negative impact’

Jenny Offill’s sharp new novel Weather examines individual anxieties about the climate emergency.

Weather by Jenny Offill: How to cope with climate anxiety in a crisis

Couple in bed

Psychologists rank reasons why newly-wed heterosexual couples argue

Antarctic ice melt could push sea levels to rise 1.5 metres by 2100

Antarctic ice melt could push sea levels to rise 1.5 metres by 2100

NASA missions may go to Venus or our solar system’s strangest moons

NASA missions may go to Venus or our solar system’s strangest moons

Ancient people tried to stop rising seas with spears or fiery boulders

Ancient people tried to stop rising seas with spears or fiery boulders

This is how jellyfish can sting you without even touching you

This is how jellyfish can sting you without even touching you

Election cyberattacks? It’s incompetence we need to worry about

Election cyberattacks? It’s incompetence we need to worry about


We’ll soon know if covid-19 can be treated with HIV and Ebola drugs


A person in a hazmat suit reads a piece of paper

Coronavirus: How maths is helping to answer crucial covid-19 questions

Drugs may be able to fix our romantic lives when things go wrong

Drugs may be able to fix our romantic lives when things go wrong

miso soup

Umami: How to maximise the savoury taste that makes food so satisfying

Teen born without half her brain has above average reading skills

Teen born without half her brain has above average reading skills

tube passengers

Coronavirus: How well prepared are countries for a covid-19 pandemic?

GPS satellite

GPS face-off: Why countries are vying to rule the skies with satnav


Jess Wade

Jess Wade’s one-woman mission to diversify Wikipedia’s science stories

Male moths genetically modified to kill females released in the wild

Male moths genetically modified to kill females released in the wild

Albatrosses strapped with sensors help spy on illegal fishing boats

Albatrosses strapped with sensors help spy on illegal fishing boats

A man wears a mask near Wuhan, China

Can an N95 face mask protect you from catching the new coronavirus?

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